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Monday 18th September 2023​​​​​​​

Welcome back to some more Forest School news!

Well, it was so wonderful to be back to forest school but this year I will be a "Lone Ranger" as Ranger McLaughlin has moved onto pastures new so we wish her well in her new job.

Last week was our first week back to it! Wednesday, Oaks kicked off this year with playing the fabulous game of "123.... where are you?" which is a great way to remind them of our call back at the end of our session. Lots of shouting and running about in the woods which was lots of fun! Next Willows came out and enjoyed a session with all the usual activities available. They got straight back to it with fabulous whittling, den building, nature arts and role plays!

Thursday, Ash class were away enjoying themselves at the Frontier Centre so it was just Chestnuts who came out and they were on form. Everyone was busy! The previous week we had had an extra session to support their Stunning start of the new topic "Stoneage". We made dens and cooked stick bread on the open fire which was great fun. It was great to see the Chestnuts bringing their learning out to our child led forest school. They were building more dens and whittling Stoneage tools. I am really looking forward to seeing all the exciting things the rangers of Thurleigh get up to this half term.